
Welcome to our travels!

Join us as we take this exciting nine-and-a-half week around-the-world adventure through Africa and Asia . . . first landing in Casablanca, Morocco and taking our last steps in and around — well, just come along and see — with 19 flights, hours of railway, buses, cars, mopeds, and many, many miles of walking in-between over our 65 days of travel. Photographs have been captured through Frances’ thoughtful eye, and I will narrate, for the…

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Mystical, Magical Bali

I was very excited to return to Ubud, Bali after 30 years. To say it has changed is a gross understatement. The main intersection in town has transformed from a sleepy corner into two lanes with one-way traffic. There are still no traffic Lights or even stop signs and it is very challenging to cross the street and walk on the street as the sidewalks are questionable. It is far more commercialized than it was…

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Flashbacks of “The Terminal” . . . Kuala Lumpur

At one point we thought we would spend a few days in Malaysia hoping to connect with my 3rd cousin who often works in Kuala Lumpur. It didn’t work out, so since we had already booked a flight from Bali to Malaysia on Air Asia, we decided to book a continuing flight on Air Asia from Kuala Lumpur to Vietnam. This journey was certainly a work in progress. When we arrived in Kuala Lumpur we…

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Beijing and The Great Wall

I had the good fortune to visit China for 2 weeks in 1988 on my first sabbatical and for 6 weeks in 1992 as the chaperone for a Milton Academy Chinese Language program. Both times, I had the pleasure of spending most of my time with the Experimental Middle School attached to Beijing Normal University. I developed some wonderful friendships with two the schools’ teachers and I was hopeful Frances and I could re-connect with…

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